Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sometimes it's Just That Kind of Day...

Who knew working for Sam's Club could be so interesting? I mean seriously... I have a pretty laid back job. I hand out coupons and freebies and sell a few memberships. Easy, right? Straightforward, definitely. Dramatic? Never.


I don't know if it's the job or if it's just me. I'm guessing the latter since these types of things happen to me no matter where I am or what I'm doing. But for arguments sake one could speculate that it might be at least partially the result of the job. Retail can be a beast, even when you are in the marketing side of things. But even so... I'm pretty sure it can't be blamed for my... eh hem... misfortunes.

Let me give you an example...

A few weeks ago I brought some coupons to Enterprise Rent-A-Car. Easy enough. I park my loaner mini-van in front of the building and proceed to the entrance, double doors. One door has a sign that says “This door broken, please use other side.” No problem. I confidently enter through the un-broken side of the doorway.

It's quiet inside and I see only one man sitting at one desk. “Hello,” he greets me as I walk in.

“Hello,” I answer back. “I'm from Sam's Club. Our home office sent us coupons for all employees of Enterprise Rent-A-Car...” I go through my whole spiel, telling him about the coupons and what they are used for, etc, etc, and just when I am about to wrap it up... I look up. We are not alone at all, nor have we ever been. There, around a corner (one that I had previously missed), are four men sitting and staring at me. Now granted this is no big deal. It's just that when you think you are alone and you look up to find that not only are you not alone but there are FOUR men STARING at you... it tends to throw you slightly off kilter. So, I decide to wrap things up and head out. “Well, here are your coupons. Thanks and have a nice day.” I turn and head for the door. Right as I'm about to push the door open I'm stopped by the sound of four men jumping up.

“WAIT!” They yell. “What's your name.”

Sigh. I turn back toward the men who are all peeping around the corner at me. “Heather.” I try for a charming smile though being that I am still feeling slightly off kilter I don't think it comes across all that charmingly.

“BYE HEATHER!” The yell in unison. I give them a slight nod of acknowledgment and turn back to the door, leaning full into it with my body weight.

BAM. I do a face plant smack into the broken door. Since five men are watching I try to play it off but I'm positive that nobody was fooled. It was just that kind of day.

Last Thursday I woke up a little late and was rushing to get ready and head out to work. Many mornings I don't take time to sit down and eat breakfast. Instead I blend up a special concoction of fresh fruit, yogurt, and ice cubes to make a delicious and nutritious smoothie I can drink on the road. Thursday I made a scrumptious looking blueberry smoothie and went to pour it in my travel mug only to find that I had left it at work the day before. No problem, I think to myself. I'll just pour it into a big ole plastic take out cup and be extra careful. So I do.

With just enough time to make it to work I hop into the car, toss my purse onto the passenger's side floor, and plop my cup full of smoothie into the cup holder. Bad move.

Unbeknownst to me the cup didn't fit into the cup holder. I look down to find it tilted sideways, a big blue puddle filling my purse and spilling over onto the carpet of my two week old car. Delightful... not.

I grab for the purse and fish out my cell phone from the blue goo. Sigh. Fifteen minutes later I have finished salvaging my cell phone, credit card (gotta have the important things), and drivers license, the remaining contents of my purse is lying in a pile on the garage floor, and now all I have left to do is rid the actual car carpet of the smoothie. Who knew so much could come out of one lousy cup, right?

I decide to head to the Sheetz down the street to vacuum out the still drenched floor. Unfortunately, I pull in only to discover they have no vacuum. Not a problem. I'll go to the Sheetz up the road from work, they definitely have a vacuum. I pull in, jump out, and slam the four quarters into the machine. I'm thirty minutes late at this point and I just want this ordeal to be over. The machine whirs to life and I grab the hose. Unbelievable. It isn't working. Making a lot of noise? Yes. Working? No.

Believe it or not... it was just that kind of day.

Friday, the day after the blue smoothie incident, I was out on the road with my supervisor. We were happily driving back from a mostly uneventful Wal-mart drive when all of the sudden I hear a crazy thudding, thumping, grinding sound. You know that hard to describe, horrible sound indicative only of a completely flat tire. Lovely.

We pull over, unload all of the Sam's paraphernalia clogging my trunk onto the side of the road, and get out the jack and donut. Just as I was about to get down on my hands and knees next to the tire (in a skirt and high heels of course) a nice truck driver stopped and asked to help. Now granted, though I could have changed that tire by myself, it was certainly nice to not have had to. And yet I did still somehow manage to end up with a grease smear across my forehead... not quite sure how that happened. However, I digress. We paid the man with an entire box of milky way bars and we were back on our way.

Sadly, the Sam's tire guys said the tire was too chewed up to be repaired and so I needed a new tire. Oddly, only Kost carries the Doral tires my car came with and they wanted to charge me ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY FIVE bucks for it!!! Are they kidding me?!?! That seems slightly insane for my little Cobalt. But like I said... sometimes it's just that kind of day.

Everyday is an adventure... packed with new an exciting events. Some days just happen to be more of an adventure than others.


P.S. My dad did somehow talked the price of the tire down to 89.95 and I was a much happier girl.

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